Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Back in the day, Grandma always saved my ass. I went to a live-on-campus high school* where there were penalties charged for, among many other things, being late to class. Unfortunately, I was not (and frequently am not) a punctual person. About once a month I'd have racked up about $25 in fines for all those two, five, ten minute lapses between the beginning of class and me walking through the door. Although I never told Grandma this, and never asked her for money, about once a month she'd send a $25 check which I would promptly sign over to the vice-principle or whoever. Now, I could calculate how much it would be if I'd have gotten my shit together ten years ago and saved all that money and put it in a kick-ass interest account. But I won't, because I don't want to know, and I want to continue with my story.

Darling Grandmother sent me a check earlier this month which I just rediscovered under a pile of crap on my desk. $100 is a lot of money! To be honest, two days ago, before I started this blog, I would have though….wohoo!! Drinks on me! New shoes! But now…that's my emergency fund! Kabam! I put it in the bank (less $10 for laundry), and mentally drew a line at $105. That's for the $5 my bank requires to keep the account open, and $100 for an emergency fund. Do you think that's safe enough, or should I open a new account? At a new bank even?

And what did I do with the $10? I drove directly to the laundry mat and put it all on my little laundry debit key. I like this laundry place because they use keys that you charge, not quarters. That way, quarters don't disappear into soda and candy machines.

As I learned from my recent-ish fairly successful weight loss, it's frequently as important what you are not doing to reach a goal as what you are. Maybe I'm just negative. For example, when I was trying to lose weight, I could think, "Oh my god, I just at a salad for lunch. I'm still hungry!" But then I would think, "What I did not do was have a gigantic bowl o'crap full of empty carbs and sugar. Yay!" With my financial budget, when I think, "Oh, boo I'm so broke and I want a pony," I will try to think instead, "I did my laundry for $6…and what I did NOT do was eat at the Mexican place next door while I waited, or shop at either of the TWO international food stores in the SAME plaza, or buy a cup of coffee across the street. Yay!"

*To call it a "boarding school" would make it sound more sophisticated than it was. It was a self-sufficient religious institution for the manic and repressed. Did not like.

1 comment:

  1. If you don't already have one, you may want to consider putting your new emergency fund in an ING account. You'll probably earn much more in interest than you do from any local banks. Plus, I find it helps to have my savings in an online account...since transfers from my ING to my regular checking account can take 2 or 3 business days, I'm in much less danger of spending my emergency money.

    Good luck.
