Sunday, March 1, 2009

pinch, punch, first of the month

This is my planned budget for March. I meant to post it at the bottom of the blog, but this is as good as I got it. I can't wait until April to see how I did! Also, I figured that other PF bloggers help themselves and others by setting monthly goals. Here are mine!:

March Goals:

1. No coffee that is not homemade. For health reasons, I'll eventually wean myself back off caffeine, but for now not buying it from any coffee shop will help my finances.

2. Track spending, every receipt, every time.

3. Work at least 10 hours per week for Professor. I mean -- what am I really whining about when I have a job?

4. Keep dishes out of my kitchen sink. Once and for all, dammit.

Can't wait 'til April!